Función de Magnesio en frutales de pepita

Manganese is involved in a wide range of enzyme processes including hormone synthesis. It also plays a key role in photosynthesis. It is particularly important in maintaining leaf quality and tree health in apples.

Manganese effect at growth stages

Stage Manganese effect
Bud Burst - Start of Flowering To maximize tissue growth
Fruit Fill - Maturity Along side with phosphorus will promote fruit coloration

General Guidelines for Manganese Application

Foliar manganese, applied at least twice in the spring, can improve leaf color and minimize leaf drop and blotchiness. Sprays in the autumn are less effective because manganese is relatively immobile and won’t move from reserves to the leaf.

Manganese Deficiencies in Apples

Manganese deficiency is first seen as light green spots on leaf margins and as an interveinal mottling. Usually the recently matured leaves in early summer growth are the first to show symptoms.

Interveinal areas then become yellow, with prominent green veins. When severe, leaves and shoots become stunted although generally there is little change from normal leaf size and shape.

Excessive amounts of available manganese uptake – associated with low pH soils and poor drainage – results in necrosis of trunk and branch bark (measles).